You are Queen…


“Not everyone should be allowed to speak into your life. Ask to see a resume and get EVERYTHING in BLACK AND WHITE!” #Drgailhayesspeaks
There was time, not so long ago that I allowed others to define me. I had one person to tell me that I should wear my hair a certain way, and I did. She in turn, started wearing her hair in the very color that she advised me not to wear.

Still another person told me that I was not trying hard enough to change my life; that I was dragging my feet and making excuses. She had no idea how difficult it was for me having my children in my forties and feeling trapped in an unhappy marriage. I had lost my ability to run a business and create my personal economy. I had no money to leave where I was and certainly didn’t have the energy, at the time to try.

But soon all that changed. It changed when I decided to silence the voices of those who did not understand my journey. It changed when I decided that I would no longer allow others to define me. It changed when I decided to check the resume of those giving me instructions.

It took some effort but I soon heard transformation calling my name. I broke free and recognized that it was time to look in the mirror and tell myself a new story.

There’s a question that people ask when they want something authentic; “Can I get that in BLACK AND WHITE?” That means that they want the real thing. They want a done deal. So, from now on, when I give you something, it will be in BLACK AND WHITE. After all I’ve been through, I’ve now decided to put things in BLACK AND WHITE, don my crown and reign in my domain.

My fellow Queens…Will you join me?